Why Root Canals Are a Good Thing, Not Bad

When you hear the term root canal from your Stuart, FL dentist, you may get a feeling of dread. For years, root canals have been seen as the worst possible dental treatment, invoking fear and aversion. But root canals aren’t as bad as their reputation makes them out to be. In fact, they’re actually a good thing, not bad.

Why do You Need a Root Canal?

Of course, the fact that you need a root canal isn’t good; there’s no two ways about it. Needing a root canal means that there’s an infection deep inside the tooth, where no amount of brushing, flossing or rinsing is going to reach. Still, you should be thankful that your dentist caught it during a dental exam. Otherwise, your tooth would eventually become so loose that it falls out, and no one wants that. So that’s one good thing about a root canal; it means your dentist was very astute can caught the problem before irreversible damage was done.

Benefits of a Root Canal

During the root canal process, your dentist drills down into the pulp of the tooth. Now, this part isn’t fun, but you won’t feel a thing. Between local anesthesia and sedation dentistry, you can just sit back and relax with no pain at all. You will hear the drill, but you can bring headphones if you like, and drown out the sound with relaxing music.

The benefits of a root canal means that all that infected pulp is gotten rid of. The interior of the tooth is cleaned and disinfected of all the “bad stuff.” Then a replacement filler agent is inserted, and the hole is sealed up. And that’s that! No more infection, no more pain!

So the next time you’re faced with a root canal in Stuart, FL, be glad. It means that a pretty serious dental problem is going to be solved, and your tooth can be saved!

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