General Dentistry
The team at Stuart Dentist is so named because we are dedicated to servicing the people of Stuart, FL, with all of their dental care needs. Of course, creating a strong foundation starts with regular services. Although our expert team is trained in root canals and cosmetic dentistry and provides emergency services, we also believe that prevention is an extremely important part of your dental care routine.
Below are some of the general dentistry services in Stuart, FL, we have to offer our new and returning client base.
Teeth Cleaning
Regular check-ups are important for dental health, regardless if you feel pain in the area or not. Many patients are extremely adamant about their teeth-brushing routine, but this can sometimes be corrected as well. While well-intentioned, it is common to see some regression in your gumline due to over-brushing. You may feel that your teeth are clean, but you may be damaging your gums in the process.
With consistent teeth cleaning procedures, our expert dental hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth, gums, and tongue and maintain great overall mouth health. The polish added after your cleaning will increase the quality of your care, leaving you with a brighter smile. Additionally, regular appointments are necessary to catch certain diseases and issues at their core, such as cavities and gingivitis, before developing.
X-rays are an important service offered by our office to effectively study the health and status of your oral care. It is not common practice for patients of any kind to meticulously study their mouths daily, as this is both difficult and extremely time-consuming in your everyday life. Our trained technicians and professionals can spot issues before they can become dangerous, and much more costly, problems to fix.
Cavity Fillings
Cavities are an extremely common issue with dental care that may go unnoticed. A cavity is a hole between your teeth, most often the molars used for chewing food. Cavities do not hurt at first and are out of sight from your regular dental care routine. This is a dangerous problem to go unnoticed. Many people who have cavities only go to the dentist when it starts hurting, and at that point, a much more complicated solution might be necessary.
During your regular appointments, our professional Stuart, FL team can catch cavities before they become larger and solve them with a simple filling or sealant.
Teeth Whitening
Let’s face it; over-the-counter solutions simply have a very low effectiveness rate. Trust a professional team to provide the service and recommendations you need to restore confidence in your life. Our effective resolutions will always leave you with a whiter and brighter smile.
Quality Dental Care in Stuart, FL
The team at Stuart, FL, is proud to accept new and returning patients. During your free consultation, the team will be able to recommend the proper course of action and regular teeth cleaning services that you may require. Appointments can be made at your leisure at a time that fits your schedule. Contact us today!